By the time 2014 rolls around, usage of mobile solutions like smart phones and tablets will completely take over usage of desktop computers for Internet applications. So basically, within the next 12 months more people will be using their tablets and their smart phones to look up stuff online than will be using their personal computers. Already, almost half of users of these devices are looking up reviews of products and seeking promotions on them. This shift represents a huge opportunity for companies, which will need to develop strong search engine optimization solutions to give themselves traction with the increasingly mobile online community.
Companies must do this to increase their Google rankings and their search engine rankings on other important sites too. Google of course is of the utmost importance here, though, because it represents 65 to 70 total percent of the Internet’s search engine usage. Between its PageRank algorithm, which is the gold standard and which was coined after one of its founders, Larry Page, and its consistency across the industry thus far, the company truly has solidified itself as a major contender and the most used search engine in the free world. But any company’s search engine ranking is important on these other major sites too, so companies must invest in SEO technologies to get themselves more traction in the entire online space.
For most companies, it does not take a lot of convincing to join SEO programs or to get started with them in any capacity. It is pretty common knowledge that SEO costs significantly less than outbound forms of leads yet it works so much better. In fact, SEO costs an estimated 61 percent less yet produces better results than cold calling and other forms of outbound lead generation. So most convincing occurs for companies entirely unfamiliar with SEO and its functions. For the rest, they usually are asking about it from their providers and are already wanting to have these marketing functions for their own businesses.
Of course, not every SEO program gets the same level of results for companies, so the smartest and most dedicated ones must search high and low for the right programs. They usually follow the advice of industry experts, who caution against joining black hat programs and against blindly picking out providers. Instead, these experts advise selecting strong and proven SEO that have stood up against the current market and its algorithms and complexities.