Watch an Eye Dr Explain the Cause of Dry Eyes – Health Advice Now

It’s more complicated than you might think. Watch and continue reading to learn more.

Doctors first explain that there are many different parts of the eye which need to be examined when people are suffering from dry eyes. The first step is to examine the tear film which is a 3-layered eye feature. There are three layers within the tear ducts: the lipid, the water and the mucous. The aqueous layer can cause dry eyes in a lot of people. Some people find themselves to suffer from aqueous deficiency so the layer of water in the tear film has been deficient. The reason for this is usually caused by an age-related condition, LASIK surgery, medications as well as an inflammation issue.

The other major cause of dry eyes are evaporative disorders. Evaporative eye problems can be caused by poor blink rates, the environment and contacts.

If you’re suffering from dry eyes and would like to learn more about it, go through this short video. If you’re ready to seek treatment, make contact to a reliable eye doctor today. 6qag9198fu.

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